Dostupné kurzy

  • Učitel: Marie-Laurence Abasq-Paofai
  • Učitel: László Kiss
  • Učitel: Sándor Kunsági-Máté
  • Učitel: Anthony Roussel
Language: English
• Discover the main electrodes methods used in the field of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis • Discover the principles of the electrochemical methods used in the field of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis • Discover the processes of several biosensors, thermodynamics and kinetics o…
Language: Choose from the list
  • Učitel: Marie-Laurence Abasq-Paofai
  • Učitel: Sándor Kunsági-Máté
  • Učitel: Anthony Roussel
Language: English
• Discover the main electrodes methods used in the field of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis • Discover the principles of the electrochemical methods used in the field of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis • Discover the processes of several biosensors, thermodynamics and kinetics o…
  • Učitel: Daniel Garcia Ruano
  • Učitel: Marta Mira Osuna
  • Učitel: Luc Paillard
  • Učitel: Pascale Quignon
Language: Choose from the list

Introduction course to genetic analysis in eukaryotes.
  • Učitel: Giovanni Fonseca
  • Učitel: Rozenn Joufflineau
  • Učitel: Eric Loubeau
  • Učitel: Vuk Milisic
  • Učitel: Karel Pravda-Starov
  • Učitel: Sylvie Roelly
  • Učitel: Julien Sabin
  • Učitel: Tobias Schmidt
Language: Choose from the list