
Language: Choose from the list
  • Trainer/in: Francesca Cabiddu
  • Trainer/in: Laura Sabbado Da Rosa
Language: Choose from the list

Substitute this text with the "Abstract of the module"
Language: Choose from the list

Substitute this text with the "Abstract of the module"
Language: Choose from the list

Substitute this text with the "Abstract of the module"
  • Trainer/in: Laura Martínez Peris
Language: Choose from the list

Substitute this text with the "Abstract of the module"
  • Trainer/in: Cecile Bauer
  • Trainer/in: Michela Floris
Language: Choose from the list

Substitute this text with the "Abstract of the module"
  • Trainer/in: Georgiana Alexandra Badoiu
  • Trainer/in: Ludovica Moi
Language: Choose from the list

Substitute this text with the "Abstract of the module"
Language: Choose from the list

Substitute this text with the "Abstract of the module"
  • Trainer/in: Andreu Blesa Pérez
  • Trainer/in: Kim Schulte
  • Trainer/in: Bence Völgyi
Language: Choose from the list

Substitute this text with the "Abstract of the module"
  • Trainer/in: Prateek Kalia
  • Trainer/in: Thi Le Hoa Vo
  • Trainer/in: Bence Völgyi
Language: Choose from the list

Substitute this text with the "Abstract of the module"
  • Trainer/in: Vicente Beltrán Palanques
  • Trainer/in: Olga Mercedes Broto Ruiz
  • Trainer/in: Tomáš Ondráček
  • Trainer/in: Julia Valeiras Jurado
Language: Choose from the list

Substitute this text with the "Abstract of the module"
  • Trainer/in: Latifa Bousarghin
  • Trainer/in: Smahane Tairi
Language: Choose from the list
This course equips students with cognitive and methodological tools for scientifically valid research in societal studies. Divided into three modules, the first focuses on history as a tool for understanding societal issues, emphasizing autonomous research skills.The second one will be the res…
  • Trainer/in: Smahane Tairi
Language: Choose from the list
This module examines the intersection of research and social inclusion in two key ways. Firstly, research projects are instrumental in promoting social inclusion for marginalized groups by providing them a platform to voice their concerns, fostering human rights and social justice. Secondly, t…
  • Trainer/in: Damien Belveze
  • Trainer/in: Michal Bozděch
  • Trainer/in: Smahane Tairi
  • Trainer/in: Zoltán Vörös
Language: Choose from the list
Artificial intelligence (AI) is in a perpetual state of evolution, where what’s true one day may be outdated the next. As the use of AI technologies becomes more democratized, there exists a notable disparity between the reality of AI and public perception—it is not akin to magic. Furthermore, …
  • Trainer/in: Julien Le Bonheur
  • Trainer/in: Smahane Tairi
Language: Choose from the list

What is helping the so-called "general public" to actually perceive Science as "with" and "for" society?
  • Trainer/in: Gerald Peoux
  • Trainer/in: Riccardo Scateni
  • Trainer/in: Smahane Tairi
Language: Choose from the list
This module traces the evolution of computation from early automata to AI. It examines foundational concepts of automata and contributions from ancient civilizations to the Renaissance. The module highlights the emergence of calculators and programmable machines, emphasizing figures like Blaise Pas…
  • Trainer/in: Ramón Andrés Feenstra
  • Trainer/in: Line Joranger
Language: Choose from the list
The module "Scientific Methods: Integrity and Ethics" has been crafted to serve as a gateway into the realm of scientific research and methodologies. The initial segment of this module will immerse us in the exploration of scientific values within the framework of two classical research methods: qu…
  • Trainer/in: Damien Belveze
  • Trainer/in: Michal Bozděch
  • Trainer/in: Fabio Sorrentino
  • Trainer/in: Smahane Tairi
Language: Choose from the list

Substitute this text with the "Abstract of the module"
Language: Choose from the list

This course aims at giving you information and activities on the following topics:

- Looking for scientific content in Library's catalog and databases

- Looking for information on the web

- Assessing information

- What is a citation ?

- What is a bibliographic style ?
  • Trainer/in: Sophie Guezo
  • Trainer/in: Odile Sergent
Language: Choose from the list